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Neither General Westmoreland nor Ambassador Komer ever denied that the Marines had success with the program however, they just chose not give it the support it needed to komerční banka profi úvěr start continue to be successful. Neither man really embraced the Combined Action Program from its conception. [31] "General Krulak had an abrasive personality and it rubbed the keepers of conventional wisdom the wrong way komerční banka profi úvěr start. [36] Komer began to reorganize his civil development project into civilian and military teams that would operate within 250 districts and 44 provinces. They reported what they knew he and his team of experts wanted to hear in order to receive their weekly support, while still sympathizing with the V. The two biggest problems with CORDS was that it removed the emotion from the pacification process by relying on rented Vietnamese and American civilians who had no stake in achieving results. They would lose support of the people if they [Vietnamese] knew that they did not have twenty-four hour support and protection from the Marines. This idea went against the Marines principle point that the moment that they left a village or hamlet the Viet Cong would move back in and all of their efforts would be lost. In addition to komerční banka profi úvěr start Ambassador Komer not keeping his word, the Marines received less money and development teams per their AOR compared to the army units. Often an agency assumed that certain previsions were being handled in support of their effort by another agency, only to komerční banka profi úvěr start learn that coordination at the top level was never managed. The Commandant, General Green, suggested that Lt. The Marines were still left with the responsibility of confronting the overwhelming insurgency problem until the lack of money and resources forced them to komerční banka profi úvěr start abandon the concept. [48] The results of the data were supposed to address two main areas, security and development with sub-areas exploring the specifics. Secondly, CORDS had too much confidence in a computer program that they thought would give them the answer they were looking for. Throughout this paper it has been pointed out that General Westmoreland and Ambassador Komer believed that the Marines could have been better served in another capacity. [31] "General Krulak had an abrasive personality and it rubbed the keepers of conventional wisdom the wrong way komerční banka profi úvěr start. much of the collection was left up to the interpretation of the collector. [42] The absence of someone in charge over the entire pacification effort coupled with the lack of communication between agencies resulted in failed endeavors in helping the South Vietnamese people help themselves. General Walt, also return to the states in the fall of 1967 upon completing his tour. Komer believed that all civil action needed to fall under centralized control in order to be able to track its progress effectively. The Marines would have to continue the Combined Action Program, the same program that influenced MACV and his staff to establish CORDS, without any additional support.

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