
půjcka a kompas

All maps are laid out the same, with True North at the top of the map. Unfortunately, because of slight variations in the magnetic field, your compass wont point to True North, itll point to Magnetic North. More accurate bearings reduce the size of the triangle and, with lots of practice, you may get the lines to intersect at one point. Once the degree dial is in place, put the map away. Now repeat the activity using the following degrees: 360, 90, 180, 270. The imaginary line extending out from your body will travel through your compass along the direction of travel arrow půjcka a kompas. [2] Rotate the degree dial until the orienting arrow points to true north on the map. 1Gather your bearings to půjcka a kompas find out which direction youre headed. When they approach the edge of visibility, ask them to wait until you catch up. Hold the compass level in the palm of your hand, chest high, with the direction arrow facing away from your body. In the US, the line of zero declination runs up through Alabama, Illinois, and Wisconsin, at a slight diagonal půjcka a kompas. Triangulation is more useful if youre really lost or you are in a barren, featureless area půjcka a kompas. Find the directional signs, north, south, east and west. [1] True North or Map North refers to půjcka a kompas the point at which all longitudinal lines meet on the map, at the North Pole. 1Understand the basic layout of the compass. To accurately follow the direction of travel arrow, look down at the arrow, then focus on a distant object like a tree, telephone pole, or other landmark, and use this as a guide půjcka a kompas. 1 1 Does it matter where I stand when checking a magnetic compass půjcka a kompas. Check your compass as often as you need to, but be sure not to accidentally twist the degree dial from its current position. Using the edge of the compass as a ruler, place it so that it creates a line between your current position and where you intend to go. Depending where you are on the surface of the Earth, youll have to account for the Magnetic shift to get an accurate reading. If the direction of travel arrow is now between the N and the E, say, youre facing Northeast. 3Transpose the direction of the landmark onto your map. See Step 1 to start learning to use your compass. Orienteering is navigating with a map and compass.

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